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Research Scientist
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Mass. Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
1-(617) 253-8493 (Tel), 1-(617) 253-6782 (Fax)
Dr. Xiaoman Duan is a Research Scientist in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at MIT. Dr. Duan is also appointed as a “Chang-Jiang Scholar Professor” by the Ministry of Education, China, and awarded a Visiting Professor by the Chinese Academy of Science. She received her M. S. degree in Materials Science and Engineering from University of Science and Technology, Beijing (USTB), China in 1985, and received her Ph.D. in the same field from USTB/MIT in 1992. She has joined in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at MIT since 1987 as a joint- training Ph. D. candidate, postdoctoral fellow, research associate and research scientist, respectively, chronologically.
Dr. Duan’s research interest is micro-structures and micro-photonics of semiconductor materials. Her research fields cover Er ion implantation in Si, silicon waveguides, and optical microcavities Si microphotonics including the investigation of atomic- lever and extended defects in CMOS and BiCMOS devices, using advanced electron microscopy and diffraction methods. Her current research activities focus on the frontier research on high efficiency silicon solar cells at MIT. Her team pioneered the research on the development of a new light trapping scheme-textured photonic crystal that can improve thin film solar cell efficiency by more than 50%. The innovative research on high efficiency solar cells was featured in Nature Photonics Research Highlights, Science Daily, Nano Technology, Global Solar Technology, MIT News Office and other media as a significant breakthrough to boost solar cell efficiency. Dr. Duan has published more than 100 research papers and two co-authored books.