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Conference language 大会提供中英同声传译
English/Chinese. Real-time Chinese/English translation is provided.
Conference Site
Room 301, Bld.A,
Academy of Fine Arts
Tsinghua University
会议地址:清华大学美术学院 A 楼 301 房
Dinner Banquet Site
Wenjin Hotel
Papers that have been accepted will be included into the IEEE Conference Proceedings published by the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society. Distinguished papers presented in UV'2013, after further extensions, will be published in special issues through IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society. We will keep you updated as for presentation details and other issues.
Presentation Guidance for Authors
UV2013 is providing the opportunity for all authors to present their papers in both oral and poster format at no extra cost. So you are invited to prepare and display your posters in our exhibition room during the full conference period. In other words, the display is not limited in the session of your oral presentation, and conference attendees can visit your posters at any time during the two-day conference. The poster size is 2x3 feet. 60.96cm x 91.44cm.
Authors' Registration
Authors of accepted papers (or at least one of the authors) are expected to register and present their work at the conference. Please notice that the registration is not completed until the registration fee is paid through PayPal.
Group Registration
We will offer special group registration rates (the same rate for student registration) if three or more co-authors register together.
Support Letter for Visa
If you need supporting document for your visa applications, our local chair in China, Prof. Lyu, will prepare the personalized invitation letter for you. Please supply the following correct information:
1. Your full legal name as appeared on your valid passport for your international travel;
2. Your full legal address you will be using for your Chinese visa application;
[Tentative Program]
Day 1: Jan.16.2013
• Opening Ceremony 开幕式
• Special Session:Universal Village, what, why, how?
• Session A: Intelligent Healthcare 智慧健康
• Special sessions: smart city projects in China 特别专题:中国智慧城市
• Special sessions: smart city projects in Japan 特别专题:日本智慧城市
• Banquet 晚宴
Day 2: Jan.17.2013
• Session B: Intelligent Environment 智慧环境
• Special sessions: Distributed intelligence,Intelligent Energy Management & Environmental Protection 分布模式的智能化
• Session C: Intelligent Transportation 智慧交通
• Panel Discussion: The trend of Intelligent Technology & Global comparison of smart cities projects
• Closing Ceremony 闭幕式